Motor Audi TT after 135 thousand mileage

One American, for fun, decided to take a ride on his Audi TT of 135,000 km, without changing the oil. Goodbye, favorite car! Any motorist knows that every 15 thousand kilometers of the way you need to change the engine oil. Replacement is allowed after 20,000 kilometers, but more … Or is it possible to do without it?
Unfortunately, our answer is no. On a visual example, the user of one of the American sites Dannyboy could see this. A resident of the United States posted photos of a 3.2-liter Audi TT engine that was seriously injured after a long journey.
At the TDI Club known forum, it was reported that the owner of the car managed to travel America far and wide. The engine honestly plowed 83,000 miles (about 135,000 km), after which the Audit TT stopped. What exactly Dannyboy wanted to achieve remains a mystery.
One way or another, it’s definitely not possible to save the Audi owner. Only a comprehensive replacement of the engine and, of course, oil will be able to return the car to service. It is surprising that after the protracted pokatushek the owner of the car was still able to roll on it to the nearest station. The mechanics were shocked!