Koenigsegg CCX

Good or bad, but many motorists have not heard anything about the Swedish company Koenigsegg and especially the car Koenigsegg CCX. Meanwhile, in its homeland, this brand is quite famous for producing exclusive premium cars. CCX is not just a letter, but an abbreviation of Competition Coupe X. With the first two words everything is clear, but what does X mean?
It turns out that the letter X represents the tenth anniversary of the first Composition Coupe in 1996. Since the CCX is intended for the American market, it is almost impossible to buy such a muscle car in Russia. By the way, and it was projected taking into account requirements of America, but about it – hardly more low. The whole model range is Koenigsegg.
As befits modern trends, the body of the CCX was decided to make of carbon fiber. The material turned out to be light and at the same time incredibly rigid. For example, you’ll need to apply an effort of 58,000 Newtons to twist the case by just 1 degree. The rigidity is amazing!
With a length of 429.3 cm, the Swedish supercar is wide enough – almost 2 meters! The height is simply funny – 112 centimeters. Since carbon not only increases stiffness, but also reduces the weight of the equipment, the weight of the Koenigsegg CCX is only 1280 kg. 45% of the weight is taken over by the front axle and another 55% by the rear axle.
Compared to its predecessors, the Königsegg’s restyling version had a bumper, fog lights and air intakes. The latter are not easy to install for beauty – they cool the front brakes. The large hooded scoop provides a cool air supply to the cabin. By the way, according to unconfirmed information, the design of Koenigsegg Competition Coupe was completely created in the ICEM Surf CAD program.
You can look inside Königsegg by looking at the pictures. The steering wheel is sharp enough and requires skill. To completely turn the car, it will take only 2.7 turns. The trunk is designed for 120 liters, which is quite a lot, given that we have a supercar.
Seats made of carbon fiber with fantastically gentle upholstery have been developed by Sparco company for the novelty. On request, customers can order a Tempur CCR unit. These chairs have been used in previous generations of cars.
Instead of the engine, we decided to start with a relay unit and digital fuses. What does this mean? It turns out that Koenigsegg CCX does not have any physical fuses – pure electronics water. All important information is immediately sent to the display, on the dashboard.
In terms of power, even the Porsche 911 looks like a turtle next to the Koenigsegg. Firstly, the aluminum “eight” with a volume of 4.7 liters. Secondly, the noble turbocharger – where is it without it? If it didn’t impress you, how about 806 hp and 395 km/h of maximum speed?
And the first hundredth of this car (yes, yes, that’s not how it works!) is overcome in just 3.2 seconds! Interestingly, later the CCXR modification was developed, the engine of which runs on biofuel. It is 25% more powerful than CCX.
Complete sets and prices
Buying in Russia Koenigsegg CCX is meaningless at least. Its price is not childishly impressive – as much as 650 thousand dollars. On the other hand, Bugatti Veyron costs almost twice as much.
We sum up the results
It’s worth a Koenigsegg CCX, to put it mildly, not cheap. However, you need to be ready for the fact that in the future you will have to pay for this car even more. It’s an exclusive car that looks great and drives fast. Here only where to drive it? Even on American roads you will hardly squeeze more than 200 km per hour at the declared 395 km/hour.
We advise you to read the article: Koenigsegg history