5 important rules when driving in ice, which many drivers forget

It’s no secret that winter is the most unfavorable time of year for the operation of a vehicle.
One of the greatest dangers for car owners is ice. Just on an icy road, most cars lose control and, in the best case, drop by the wayside, and at worst – get into a serious traffic accident.
The reason for such situations is that many drivers simply do not know or forget the rules for driving a car in icy conditions. Today we consider some practical advice when driving in ice.
Smooth ice should be traced in all actions of the owner of the car. Get under way, slow down, take turns, all this must be done very carefully and smoothly.
If all these actions are done abruptly, then the wheels can very easily lose traction, start rolling, “grinding” the ice. When scrolling the wheels, the car can easily be attributed in any direction, and the driver can hardly do anything about it.
It is important to constantly remember about the distance with the machine that moves ahead of you. The braking distance on slippery roads increases significantly when compared with dry asphalt. If the distance is small, the driver may simply not have time to slow down when the car in front starts to “wag” on the road or starts to brake urgently.
Especially carefully you need to look at the road
As stated above, the brake should be seriously lengthened on the ice, because the wheels with a road surface have a poor grip. This should be taken into account when the driver is suddenly distracted by something and does not immediately notice an obstacle on the road, for example, a part of a truck tire. When distracted, the driver has very little chance that he will have time to brake, having noticed it 5 meters before his car.
It is important to brake impulsively
How do most drivers learn to slow down? Many drivers simply press the pedal 1 time. On a slippery road, this will not work, since due to poor contact with the road surface, the wheels simply “stand up”, and this is dangerous for the loss of control over the car, since the car can be tilted in any direction.
Experts advise to carry out braking smoothly, then pressing, then releasing the pedal, using such jerks. Thanks to this, the brakes will not block the movement of the wheels and all driving will be under the control of the driver.
Learn the action when skidding
When the car went into a skid – most drivers are counting only on luck, but this is not true. To get out of the skid and return control over the machine on each drive there is a different tactic. For example, cars with front-wheel drive when skidding should add gas, on the rear wheel drive, on the contrary, reset it.
The steering wheel must be turned not in the opposite direction of drift, as it is to be asked to do, but in the direction of drift. Some advise to take part in trainings, as in many cities there are platforms for driving on ice. There, every driver will be able to hone all the necessary skills and during a skid on the public road he will be able to do everything on the “automatic”.